
Classic Card Game

by Appgeneration Software

Euchre Card Game

Euchre is a classic trick-taking card game that is as challenging and fun as the number of variations it carries. 

While its exact origins remain debated, it likely emerged in the early 19th century, in the United States. It was possibly introduced in the country by immigrants of distinct nationalities, which would explain its similarities to other popular card games in different European countries as well as its vast number of variations.

The Euchre card game you will find here is the Knock Euchre variant. This online card game is one of its most straightforward types, making it more accessible to players of all levels. It is also a good starting point to learn the game before upgrading to more complex variants.

How to play Euchre

At its core, Euchre follows the rules of most trick-taking card games with trumps. In its most basic variants such as Knock, it is a 4-player game, divided into two teams of 2. 

Each player takes turns playing one card. The highest-value card from the leading suit takes the trick. This rule is only overridden by trump. If more than one trump card is played on the same trick, the one with the highest value takes it.

The team with more tricks wins the round. The score depends on the number of tricks collected and if the team is playing as defenders or markers.

Choosing trump: becoming a defender or marker

This game of Euchre online uses a 24-card deck that includes the 9s and 10s. To start the game, a random player must deal 5 cards to each person. Once that is done, the top card of the remaining deck is turned over and placed on the table. 

The player to the left of the dealer can then choose if they want to make that suit trump. If not, they can pass the choice to the next player to their left. If everyone passes, the original player can choose any suit other than the one they passed to become trump.

When accepted, the card on the table always goes to the dealer who, in turn, has to discard one of their own cards to accommodate it.

The player and, consequently, the team that picks trump becomes the markers while the opposite team becomes the defenders. In the Knock variant, the player who picks the trump suit can also choose to either play as a team or go solo and play alone. In the latter case, the teammate puts down their cards and does not participate in that round. Going solo makes the round harder to win, but can also wield more points.

Despite making Euchre seem a complicated game, these designations do not affect the game itself. They are only important for calculating the scores.

Ranking of trumps

In Euchre, the ranking order within the trump suit is not the traditional one. Instead, the Jack (right Bower) takes the lead as the strongest card. The next strongest card is the extra trump -  the Jack from the opposite suit of the same color (left Bower). The remaining cards follow the usual ranking order (Ace, King, Queen, 10, 9, 7, etc.)

For example, if Spades is trump then the ranking order of the trump cards would be Jack ♠️, Jack ♣ , Ace ♠ ️, King ♠ ️, Queen ♠ ️, 10 ♠ ️, 9 ♠ ️, etc.

Scoring and winning

The first team to reach 10 points, wins the game. The number of points scored per round depends on the number of tricks taken, the role of the team (markers or defenders), and if a player decides to go solo.

For the markers, the scoring rules are as follows:
 - 3 to 4 tricks = 1 point
 - 5 tricks = 2 points
 - 3 to 4 tricks (solo) = 1 point
 - 5 tricks (solo) = 4 points

The defenders' job is to prevent the markers from winning any points. As such, they must collect a minimum of 3 tricks to reach their goal. Regardless of how many tricks they collect, winning grants them always 1 point.

Play Euchre online in the multiplayer mode

By default, our Euchre opens a starting game against computer-controlled opponents. However, you can also play online against other real players in our multiplayer mode.

Head to the multiplayer lobby and join an existing table or create a new one and let other players join you.

Euchre strategy and tips to win

1. Trust your partner…

In Euchre, you play as a team. Remember that both of you want to win, which means that there is no reason for your partner to try to sabotage you. 

Trust that she or he will try to support your game and pay attention to the cards they play to try to do the same. For example, if they choose the trump suit, they likely have a strong hand on that suit. Help them make the best of it to collect more than 5 tricks!

2. … but don’t depend on them

Although you must trust and support each other, you must play to win. Don’t count on your partner to win at least one trick. You must try to do it all for yourself while keeping an eye out for the opportunity to support each other in case the other is in a better position to take the trick.

3. Order up trump only when your partner is the dealer

To start the game, the dealer will turn one card from the pile, and each player, going clockwise, has the opportunity to “order up trump”. If a player chooses to order up trump, the dealer collects the card on the table and adds it to their hand, after discarding one of their own cards.

In other words, whenever a player chooses the card on the table as trump, the dealers ensure a trump card for themselves. Therefore, a wise Euchre strategy is to avoid ordering up trump unless your partner is the dealer or you have several trumps all higher than the one the dealer is collecting.

4. Don’t save up your highest trumps

If you have any of the Bowers or the Ace of trump, don’t save them for later. In Euchre, what matters is the number of tricks you collect, not the cards within them.

Playing those cards early and ensuring those early tricks is also a great strategy to take pressure off your partner, who would otherwise be more careful and conservative for fear of those high trumps being with your opponents.

5. Let your partner take the trick

If your partner is already taking a trick, there is no advantage in you taking it away from them. You are a team, so their trick is also yours and vice-versa. If they played an Ace or you can see that the trick is assured, opt for playing a low-value card instead and save your strong one for later.